We are the world, we are the nations! Doesn't that mean that the blue planet belongs to all of us? Doesn't it mean that this is our world and we need to protect it and care about it and love it at all times? Planet Earth suffers from global warming and this is a global warning for every single one of us! A U.N. climate change conference in Indonesia may produce a roadmap for countries to reduce their global-warming emissions after the Kyoto protocol expires in 2012. World leaders will start negotiations next month on the resort island of Bali. They hope for creating something like agreement on the roadmap for the future, likely timetables and deadlines towards defining the broad contours of where an agreement may take the world after 2012. No one expects any problems with establishing the way how to proceed on. The global warming issue became bigger than ever and now everyone seems to realize the importance of saving the world. This is not only political question though. We live on the planet as well and we do have responsibility for our actions. The way we treat the world could be just a little drop in the ocean but we never know which of the drops has the power to color the whole ocean. Even small action counts. Our world is giving us our living space, food, fresh air, water etc. What do we give to our world? We need to remember how much the world means. What would we do without it? Is there any way how we would survive without the conditions we have on our planet? We need to take this global warning seriously and start to act as people who are thankful and proud of the world, because we are the world, we are the nations.
Edited by: Lydia Jasenska
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