The telecommunications industry, after massively investing in more fiber optics and capacity, is realizing that the problem is not about the bandwidth, it’s about traffic. A new industry is emerging from these findings : Enhanced Communications.
The Foundry re-training and job creation program has been mandated by SigEx to develop custom Enhanced Communications training to deploy over a thousand engineers in the next three years. The new industry, Enhanced Communications, will require a minimum critical mass of newly trained engineers able to develop and install enhanced telecommunications products and services on a global basis.
The Foundry has just conducted a thorough European site selection for the ideal location with a sufficient supply of engineers and global business executives to set-up its 10,000 square foot facility. The facility in Pau, France will also offer educational programs to SigEx clients on a global basis through distance learning. The Foundry will be accepting research grant applications and PhD candidates in: telecommunications, applied mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering, economics and business, and marketing communications practices.